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People will stand beside people. Let us all stand beside the cold people.

winter's woe
Winter is coming, with unhealthy sufferings for the poor people of our society. Let us help them with our old winter clothes. To survive the intensity of winter, let us all stand beside helpless people. We dedicate ourselves to human beings.

This golden country of 160 million people. How many people live in this country of millions of people. Some people rush in a car, and someone looks at the black window of that car. Somebody goes down - after the expensive brand jacket, sip in the copy house of the copy house, but on the opposite side of the street, due to lack of clothes, A child, hay cottage on whose forehead is not covered. Our society is going through all the discriminations. But we do not want to do such a society. No one will eat anyone in society. That society is not desirable for us, in the absence of a little cloth to die in the fight with the winter, ie the poor poor people We want a society where everyone will take part in everyone's participation in society. There will be no discrimination, negligence, discrimination. Whereas unity, the dream of living well.
So, come forward to the poor and the poor and the street children.

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