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A brief history of English years.

 English year
Since people have lived in the realm of civilization since then, six methods have been pursued as a means of acquiring a good idea of ​​life, social life, and various periods of time. According to the information obtained from the history of the past, it is known that in the civilized world, the year begins to count as the Moon and the Sun. It is seen that ancient Egyptian scholars have tried to calculate the solar year instead of the lunar year by observing the natural changes in the tidal and tidal regions of the Nile year after year. In ancient times, the moon was the medium of date and age. The ancient Arab people did not make any specific offerings in the first year. They used to count after a memorable event. After many years of daily life, as it was said, Boseum War was born. The son of such a son is born of elephants. Two years after the eleventh year, Five years before the famine of the Hejaz or the Najd famine Jesus began to count the time of Christ's birth to remember the time of Christ's birth, after a few years. The first of six or six counting began in the Roman Empire. There was a month in the ancient calendar of the Romans - 10, the time was calculated in 304 days of the year. They kept 60 days in the mid-season for counting. The first month of the Roman calendar was March. Then, on March 1, the New Year festival was celebrated. The Roman Emperor, Rumulasai, was born in Rome in 738 AD. Roman Calendar was started. Later, Roman Emperor Numa added more than two months to 10 months. He is on two months January, February. He added the month of January to the beginning of the year and the month of February as the month of the year. January is set to be 29 days and 28 days in February. It also introduced an additional month named Mercedes, which was calculated on 22 days. Before the year 452, the monthly accounts introduced by Emperor Numa were revised and modified. Later, the Romans introduced the account of Leipair after four years. Following the conquest of Egypt by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, after the conquest of Egypt, the current solar calendar was among the Egyptians. According to the advice of Emperor Caesar Egyptian Pundit Socizenis, he made extensive reforms of the Roman calendar. At that time the New Year was counted on 1 January instead of March 1. This year's name is Cesareus calendar. Counting from the birth of Jesus Christ, Christianity began to compute the Christian calendar from 5332 AD, Diionicium Exiguas. In 1582, the Pope XII of Gregor of Rome reformed the Julian calendar with the advice of astronomers. Gregorian calendar is now the most popular calendar in the world and this phrase is known as the English calendar in our country. Several months of English are carrying the name of various gods - such as the name of the legend of ancient Rome, according to the name of the famous janus god, the war god of ancient Rome, according to the name of Mars, the month of March is the name of the Jupiter of the Romanesque Jupiter, in the month of June, and in the same way Engraved with the name of the goddess has been named after the English month. By the way, it can be said that the date of the English date of our country is not really the English date date. It is basically the most popular Christian or Christian year in the world.
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